Thursday, September 29, 2011

3 Ways to Eliminate Credit Card Debt

Are you looking for three simple ways to eliminate your credit card debt? The first one is obvious, stop using your credit cards. This may seem like a silly thing to suggest, but the best way to get a handle on your spending is to only spend the cash you have - after you've paid your bills. Second, consider consolidating your credit card debt onto one card - or moving a balance from one card, to one with a lower interest rate. Some people are in a constant cycle of moving to the next 0% interest rate card. This can be a pain, but you'll save a lot of money and buy yourself more time to pay off the debt. Third, start making double payments. If the calculated minimum payment is only on the accrued interest, then you need to make a double payment to hit the principle of the debt. By finally hitting the principle and discontinuing use of the card for purchases, you'll see that balance begin to drop.

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